This series investigates the most notorious, infamous and terrifying crimes in French history. Cases that – in may cases – inspired films and novels. Join Danielle Thiéry, the first female chief superintendent, on a journey to the dark side of human nature.
In 1900, Paris was expanding rapidly. The city didn’t however attract just simple, honest workers, but criminals too. The newspapers came up with a nickname for the most well-known bandits of the Belle Epoque: The Apaches. Two of the men started a bloodshed over a certain Amélie Élie, a prostitute nicknamed ‘Golden Helmet’ due to her beautiful blond locks. This story would go on to inspire Jacques Becker who, in his 1952 film, would give the characteristics of Simone Signoret to the beautiful Apache. This is the true story of Golden Helmet.
This series investigates the most notorious, infamous and terrifying crimes in French history. Cases that - in may cases - inspired films and novels. Join Danielle Thiéry, the first female chief superintendent, on a journey to the dark side of human nature.
More infoThis series investigates the most notorious, infamous and terrifying crimes in French history. Cases that - in may cases - inspired films and novels. Join Danielle Thiéry, the first female chief superintendent, on a journey to the dark side of human nature.
More infoThis series investigates the most notorious, infamous and terrifying crimes in French history. Cases that - in may cases - inspired films and novels. Join Danielle Thiéry, the first female chief superintendent, on a journey to the dark side of human nature.
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