
Dangerous Roads: Argentina

Argentina is one of the most dangerous countries in the world for drivers. More than 6,000 people died in road traffic accidents in 2021, in a country with a population of 46 million. The most dangerous road is Route 40, known as the « Ruta del Diablo » or Devil’s Road. It is 5,000km long, and extends along the mountain range of the Andes, linking the North of the country to the South. It offers heavenly views of the landscape but it can quickly turn into hell for road users, with more than 15,000 accidents per year, or around fifty accidents every day. 

The road suffers from dilapidated infrastructure, unmade sections of road, and above all, dangerous drivers, who indulge in speeding, reckless overtaking, and even illegal races on Route 40. These races are called ‘Picadiña.’ Motorbikes race at top speed, taking up both sides of the road, heedless of their own safety as well as that of other road users. 

Another serious problem on the roads of Argentina is that many of the cars are far from roadworthy. More than one in three cars on the roads of Argentina are not in a fit condition. Many of them are being driven with faulty brakes, broken suspension, and broken lights. There is no state-wide system for ensuring the roadworthiness of all cars, and it is not obligatory to have your car checked. 

Even worse, 20% of drivers in Argentina are driving without a license. That’s ten times more than in safer countries. It is no wonder that accidents are on the rise. The police are trying to improve the safety of the roads, attempting to somehow persuade drivers to respect the rules of the road. But they are faced with attempts at corruption and sometimes outright refusal to comply. It is a thankless task for the police. 

When accidents happen, fire fighters are the first responders. In Argentina these men of action are all volunteers, ordinary members of society who have decided to give up their own time to save lives. Like the Bomberos of the Luan de Cuyo barracks, who are stationed to the south of the town of Mendonza, which is the capital of the Argentine wine-producing region. 

They are under-resourced, but they are linked by a professional association to French firefighters who offer them equipment, training and expertise. 


  • Year: 2023
  • Duration: 52 mins
  • Production: AIMV
  • Director: Jérémie Arnaudy
  • Available Versions: ENG, FRA
  • Country of production: France


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