Since the invasion of Ukraine at least 13 luxury yachts linked to Russian billionaires, valued at between $8 and $600 million have been seized. Others oligarchs, like Alexander Abramov and Roman Abramovich, have moved their yachts to Turkey to avoid the sanctions. Other superyachts linked to oligarchs have suddenly ‘gone dark’, disappearing off global tracking maps and turning off their automatic identification systems.
Yachts have always been the ultimate status symbol, coveted and despised in equal measures. At the annual Monaco super yacht exhibition, interior designer Sabrina Monteeone-Oeino takes us on a tour of her latest creation. But in a world threatened by global warming, superyachts consume nearly 500 litres of diesel per hour.
However, through new technology and new uses, the yachting world is trying to redeem its bad reputation. Francis Lapp has invented a solar power yacht. Other manufacturers are working on hydrogen powered engines. In this film, we investigating the changing world of luxury yachting.
In the United States, nearly 80 billion lotto tickets and scratch cards are sold every year. Overnight these winners find themselves in charge of an astronomical fortune and at the centre of the limelight.
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