
Pirates of the Puntland

Who are the pirates threatening the coast of Aden? Where do they come from and what do they want?

The semi autonomous region of Puntland, Northeast Somalia, has been dubbed ‘Pirateland’. It’s of its shores that the majority of pirates attacks take place – more than 90 in 2008. The region has his own police and government, unrecognized by the international community. But police are impotent in the face of increasing pirate attacks. In the past year, only one pirate crew was arrested.

We follow the case of a German couple kidnapped by pirates. After receiving a call from the pirates, we spoke to the hostages. A ransom was paid and they were duly released. Tracing the case back to Germany, we learn more about the conditions of their detention and ransom. We also join the French Navy at sea, tasked with the impossible job of patrolling the Aden Gulf – an area four times the size of France.

We also hear from the President of Puntland and members of his government.

During the making of this film, the director, his cameraman and their bodyguards were ambushed.. During their escape, a bodyguard was injured.


  • Year: 2008
  • Duration: 52 MINS
  • Production: TAC PRESSE
  • Available Versions: ENG, FRA
  • Country of production: France

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