
Planet Killers

They’re the criminal masterminds killing our planet. In this series, we follow the operations of Interpol Environmental Crimes Unit as they track down the world’s most wanted environmental criminals. Four episodes. Four criminals. Four Hunts.

Environmental crime generates an estimated 300 billion euros per year. At the same time, the penalties are much lower than for other crimes, leading to the perception of it being ‘low risk, high reward’. 

Shahul Hameed, the Redwood Exterminator. Head of the criminal network that smuggling red sander wood, a wood threatened with extinction and prohibited for sale. Wanted by Interpol for the past seven years. 

Cyril Astruc, the Prince of Carbon. One of the masterminds of the heist of the century, a five billion euros carbon bonds fraud. 

Wu Junchang, The Godfather of the Ocean : the head of a criminal network trafficking in endangered Totoaba fish. 

Samuel Jefwa, the Ivory King. Accused of directing a vast trafficking in elephant and rhino tusks. 

In this 4 x 52 mins series, we join interpol on the search for four of the world’s most wanted environmental criminals. Four episodes. Four criminals. Four Hunts.

Planet Killers: The Ivory King

Planet Killers: Godfathers of the Oceans

Planet Killers: The Forest Destroyer

Planet Killers: The Prince of Carbon


  • Year: 2023
  • Duration: 4 x 52 mins
  • Production: Premières Lignes
  • Director: Martin Boudot
  • Available Versions: ENG, FRA
  • Country of production: France

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