
Speed: In Search of Lost Time

“My experience with time by now is limited to the one feeling – I don’t have enough.”

It’s a paradox. Never before have we worked more efficiently. Never before have we saved time with more sophisticated technologies. But nearly everyone feels they don’t have enough time. It seems that the same technology invented to make our life easier, is now enslaving us.

Florian Opitz tries to track down the reasons of our shortage of time and for the constant acceleration of our lives. In his search of lost time he not only questions his own hectic lifestyle, but also visits several people, to find out how they deal with time. The pacemakers of the constant acceleration of society as well as dropouts. He reveals the disturbing picture of a civilisation, that has disposed of all brake systems and, run by autopilot, goes blindly for unlimited and eternal growth, no matter what the consequences are.

But Opitz also tries to find the good life. In the niches of the global capitalism he discovers alternatives to the rat race.


  • Year: 2013
  • Duration: 95 & 52 Mins
  • Production: Dreamer Joint Ventures
  • Director: Florian Opitz
  • Available Versions: ENG, FRA, GER
  • Country of production: Germany



  • The Indie Fest 2013 (USA) : Award of Merit (cat. feature documentary) One World Film Festival Slovakia 2014; Max Ophüls Preis 2012 (Germany); Kirchliches Filmfestival 2012 (Germany); Filmkunstfest Mecklenburg-Vorpommern 2012 (Germany); DOK. FEST München 2012; DOCSDF 2012 (Mexico); Warsaw Film Fest 2012; Festival des Libertés 2012 (Belgium); Sao Paulo IFF 2012; Tallin Black Nights Film Festival 2012 (Estonia); Okofilmtour 2013 (Germany); One World 2013 (Czech Republic); Festival des deutschen Films in Madrid 2013 (Spain); NaturVision 2013 Ludwisburg (Germany); Festival de Cine Aleman, Buenos Aires (Argentina); Cyprus IFF 2013; Int. Science Film Festival 2013 ISFFA (Greece); Festival des deutschen Films Russland 2013 (Russia); Astra Film Festival (Romania)

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