
African Parisians: Black, Chic & Successful

Black, confident and proud of their origins and their successes. They live for luxury, parties, and overt signs of wealth. Meet the Africans of Paris; a community full of surprises and quirks, and yet fully integrated into French society. All declare a double identity: French and Black-African. The two cultures collide to create a force of power.

This “Blackgeoisie” are known to hold firm to their roots, in business, fashion and life celebrations. We follow one particularly striking Afro-Parisienne, Reine, who is marrying a non-African. She wishes to practice the tradition of her parents: a large Congolese family wedding reception. But will her new beau be accepted into Reine’s family?

A melting pot of modernity and respect of traditions, dreams and success, we meet the African Bourgeoisie, known for their high ambitions and an insatiable desire for life.


  • Year: 2017
  • Duration: 60 mins
  • Production: Ligne de Front
  • Director: Lauriane David
  • Available Versions: FRA
  • Country of production: France

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