
Battling the Ndrangheta Mafia

Number one in the cocaine market, earning more than 53 billion Euros a year, the Ndrangheta is the most powerful branch of the Italian mafia. Their members are enrolled young into this huge organization, seen as a family to whom you owe loyalty.

From extortion to drug dealing, the Ndrangheta is involved in many businesses around the world. Heavily armed, the organization has a stranglehold on the Calabrian economy.

We meet the rare and brave few that are fighting against the organisation and accompany the police on the raid of a port and the arrest of a ’Godfather’. A look at the Mafia which has a stranglehold on Southern Italy.


  • Year: 2015
  • Duration: 55 mins
  • Production: Ligne de Front
  • Director: Clément Dudoue
  • Available Versions: ENG, FRA
  • Country of production: France


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