
China’s Dissident Artists

In China, a handful of artists are standing up to the regime, openly criticizing the government and finding ways around censorship. Such actions can be dangerous. In the past two years nearly 200 dissident artists have been imprisoned in China. The rest face constant scrutiny and live in fear.

We meet today’s most rebellious artists and they share their techniques for working undercover and how they hope to change attitudes and reality with their art. Among them is the infamous Ai WeiWei. After having been detained in a secret prison for nearly three months during a government crackdown on political activists, he is now under house arrest, forbidden from leaving the country and facing new charges.


  • Year: 2012
  • Duration: 52 mins
  • Production: Premières Lignes
  • Director: Martin Boudot
  • Available Versions: FRA
  • Country of production: France

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