After a devastating fire ravages their villa, 53-year-old Chantal D’Amato and her daughter Audrey, 24, are found dead. The two women were found tied to their beds and both had been violently attacked before being killed. They were two ordinary women, both leading uneventful lives. An unknown male DNA sample was found on the bonds holding Chantal Amato. A year later, a suspect is arrested.
Love. Betrayal. Revenge. Jealousy. Behind every murder, there’s always a story. This long running crime series follows police investigators as they piece together some of France’s most unbelievable murders.
More infoLove. Betrayal. Revenge. Jealousy. Behind every murder, there’s always a story. This long running crime series follows police investigators as they piece together some of France’s most unbelievable murders.
More infoLove. Betrayal. Revenge. Jealousy. Behind every murder, there’s always a story. This long running crime series follows police investigators as they piece together some of France’s most unbelievable murders.
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