
Legendary Cities: Canton

A spectacular documentary series looking at the most beautiful cities in the world.

Canton is a legendary commercial trading post located on the Pearl River. For centuries, the city was where China met the West. Jinlun Guild Hall in the Huangpu district has many references to the city’s prestigious colonial past.

Shamian Island is an oasis of tranquility at the heart of this immense city, it’s particularly symbolic of the former french and british presence. Many Chinese merchants came to settle in huge Xiguan mansions in the beautiful Liwan district.

Chinese operas, Buddhist temples and traditional markets are found amidst the city’s soaring skyscrapers. Over time, Canton has become one of the richest and most populated city in the country. More than 11 million people live in this city; the commercial capital of South China.


  • Year: 2014
  • Duration: 26 mins
  • Production: Eclectic
  • Director:
  • Available Versions: ENG, FRA
  • Country of production:


In Development

