The critically acclaimed true crime docu-series that ignited a firestorm. A dead body, terrorism and Iran, the CIA and the FBI, corrupt governments and mysterious cover-ups… These are some of the ingredients of ‘Nisman: the Prosecutor, the President and the Spy’ which will fascinate audiences eager to watch high-concept, gripping, complex, political crime stories with enormous international resonance.
This is a profoundly researched, character-driven story of crimes, spies and cover-ups. Triggered by a mysterious death, rival narratives of good and evil, of suicide or murder, and of truth itself, unfold through police investigations and political crises. Overshadowing everything is the obscure and complex world of international intelligence services…
Episode 3: The Spy & The Prosecutor
The brutal murder of Isabel Carrasco, one of Spain's most controversial politicians, shocked the nation. Three women were quickly arrested in what appeared to be an inexplicable private vendetta. But as the investigation developed, a deeper story of power, deceit and betrayal emerged.
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