
Sweatshop: Episode 2

Frida, Anniken and Ludwig live, breathe and dream fashion. They spend hundreds of euros every month on clothes and make a living promoting the latest catwalk trends. Aside from the speculation that factory workers must be ‘used to’ their hard lives, they have never given much thought to the people who make their clothes.

Now, they’re trading their comfortable lives for those of Cambodian garment workers. As well as working in the factories, they have to survive on $3 a day. But this is no exploitative doc, relying on shock value. It poignantly shows the consequences of cheap fashion.


  • Year: 2015
  • Duration: 11 mins
  • Production: Hacienda Film
  • Director: Joakim Kleven
  • Available Versions: ENG, ESP, NOR
  • Country of production: Norway


In Development

