This 12 part series explores the science behind natural disasters in search of a deeper understanding. Through animated graphics, interviews with scientists and eyewitnesses, and stunning images, it brings these spectacularly destructive forces of nature to life.
Avalanches can reach speeds of 30 km an hour, exerting a force ten times stronger than cyclones. They have the power to crush buildings, bring down walls and blow up houses. But now, thanks to new scientific developments we can understand more about the mechanisms of avalanches. How can they be predicted and their impact limited?
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Every year, 30 million bolts of lightning hit the earth. No zone is spared. So what is the best defence? And why are certain geographical areas increasingly affected?
More infoCombining ice cold temperatures, snow and extreme wind, this episode explores the destructive and unpredictable nature of blizzards.
More infoOver the past 20 years, floods have caused more than 150,000 deaths globally. Global warming has made flooding one of the foremost challenges of the 21st century.
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