‘#Tradwife’ or ‘traditional wives’ content has exploded on social media in the past few years, promoting a return to traditional, conservative values and family life. But many see the underlying ideology of this movement as a dangerous attack on women’s rights.
This trend, promoted by numerous Instagram influencers, advocates a strict return to traditional values: the woman stays at home to look after the family, bake bread and happily submits to her husband, while the man works and provides for the family. But while the influencers promoting this lifestyle earn tens of thousands a month most tradwives are completely dependent on their husbands.
Solie and Andre, a devout Catholic couple in their thirties, can’t imagine living any other way. Solie doesn’t make decisions within the couple and submits to all of her husband’s needs, including intimate ones. Driven by social media, their way of life is gaining followers every day.
But former tradwife, Enitza, is keen for people to understand the realities of this lifestyle. After ten years as a tradwife and four children she realised she wanted a better life for her daughters. But when she requested a divorce, her problems really started…