
USA: On the Brink

Facing a pandemic, an unprecedented economic and social crisis, the United States seems to be on the brink. We followed middle-class Americans who now find themselves on the poverty line.

Marc and Selene, had to close their restaurant and are struggling to pay the rent when their young son breaks his arm. Now they have to find an additional $11,000 in order to have it treated.

A few months ago, Steven was making $ 70,000 a year as a business executive. Today he lives with his wife in their car. But he refuses to give up his belief in capitalism and the American dream and is sure better days are coming. Meanwhile, Kirin faces deportation after losing her job as a cashier.


  • Year: 2020
  • Duration: 52 mins
  • Production: Ligne de Front
  • Director: Kristell Bernaud & Matthieu Fauroux
  • Available Versions: ENG, FRA
  • Country of production: France


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