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Dicing with Death: Kenya – Come Hell or High Water

Kenya is developing at breakneck speed, but behind the buildings of the capital, Nairobi, and the savannah, so popular with tourists, lies a very different reality. Climate change is splitting...

Hamas: The Terrorist Organisation that Wants to Destroy Israel

Saturday, October 7th 2023: the world wakes up in shock. Over 1,300 Israeli civilians have just been massacred. While the population thought it was safe behind its walls, its iron...

Flash Wars: Autonomous Weapons, AI & the Future of Armed Conflict

"Fear AI!" - “ warns Elon Musk back in 2014, joining other opinion leaders like Steve Wozniak, Noam Chomsky and Stephen Hawking in backing a petition against the development of...

International Adoptions: A Global Scandal

Over the past sixty years, over a million ‘orphans’ were adopted by Western families from around the world. Now many are discovering their past was a lie. From the children...

Hackers: Identity Theft

Cyberspace is more insecure than ever as hackers exploit human error and technical vulnerability to hold it to ransom for their personal data. Companies, public bodies, schools and individuals have...

Dangerous Roads: Mexico

Drivers who bought their licenses, the deadly war between rival cartels and poorly maintained roads have made the autopista del sol one of the world’s most dangerous roads. Mexico is...

Dangerous Roads: Canada

Route 132…a 1,612 kilometers long journey going from Montreal to one of Canada's coldest regions, the Gaspé Peninsula, is one of the most dangerous roads in the country. Here violent snowstorms come...

Dangerous Roads: Florida

With its sunshine and palm trees, Florida attracts thousands of retirees every year wanting to spend their retirement there. Seniors who have no intention of giving up their driving privileges,...

Dangerous Roads: Thailand

Asia's number one tourist destination, Thailand, is also one of the most dangerous countries when it comes to road safety. With more than 20,000 people killed on the asphalt every...

Iran: Inside the Resistance

Iran has been in turmoil since the death of Mahsa Amini, who died after being arrested by the morality police for not wearing her headscarf correctly. Tens of thousands of...


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