This series investigates the most notorious, infamous and terrifying crimes in French history. Cases that – in may cases – inspired films and novels. Join Danielle Thiéry, the first female chief superintendent, on a journey to the dark side of human nature.
In 1889, the year of Paris’ universal exhibition (for which the Eiffel Tower was built) the public is easily swept into a frenzy over the sinister case of a prostitute who disappears from the streets and is found dead in a truck in Lyon.
Then in Millery, a town near Lyon Mr Gouffé, a well to do widower with three daughters also disappears. No-one has heard from him and his staff are starting to worry.
Let’s unveil the mystery of both deaths in the case of the Millery bloody truck.
This series investigates the most notorious, infamous and terrifying crimes in French history. Cases that - in may cases - inspired films and novels. Join Danielle Thiéry, the first female chief superintendent, on a journey to the dark side of human nature.
More infoThis series investigates the most notorious, infamous and terrifying crimes in French history. Cases that - in may cases - inspired films and novels. Join Danielle Thiéry, the first female chief superintendent, on a journey to the dark side of human nature.
More infoThis series investigates the most notorious, infamous and terrifying crimes in French history. Cases that - in may cases - inspired films and novels. Join Danielle Thiéry, the first female chief superintendent, on a journey to the dark side of human nature.
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