This series investigates the most notorious, infamous and terrifying crimes in French history. Cases that – in may cases – inspired films and novels. Join Danielle Thiéry, the first female chief superintendent, on a journey to the dark side of human nature.
Henri Pranzini is a handsome man who has traveled the world, he is an intellectual and an educated man, who also speaks many different languages. Henri is very charming and seductive, but it is his passion for gambling that will turn him into a murderer. He will rob his friends and be financed by mistresses until in 1887 he meets with a prostitute and kills her, leaving her in a bath of her own blood.
This series investigates the most notorious, infamous and terrifying crimes in French history. Cases that - in may cases - inspired films and novels. Join Danielle Thiéry, the first female chief superintendent, on a journey to the dark side of human nature.
More infoThis series investigates the most notorious, infamous and terrifying crimes in French history. Cases that - in may cases - inspired films and novels. Join Danielle Thiéry, the first female chief superintendent, on a journey to the dark side of human nature.
More infoThis series investigates the most notorious, infamous and terrifying crimes in French history. Cases that - in may cases - inspired films and novels. Join Danielle Thiéry, the first female chief superintendent, on a journey to the dark side of human nature.
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