Following the deaths of his father and many others from his village, filmmaker Daniel Lambo sets off on a passionate quest to find the truth about the deadly asbestos industry. His search takes him to the largest asbestos waste dump in India and unveils a cold-blooded industry still endangering the lives of workers and consumers around the world.
A gripping story on the fight of individuals against a booming asbestos industry.
“Breathless is an inspiring, thought provoking film about the global fight for justice for victims of asbestos pollution. It serves as a stark reminder that the asbestos industry, in the USA and globally, is willing to put profits over people.” Jordan Zevon, Asbestos Disease Awareness Organization (ADAO), National Spokesperson
Sixty years of producing standardized fruit and vegetables and creating industrial hybrids have had a dramatic impact on their nutritional content. The seeds that produce the fruits and vegetables we consume are now the property of a handful of multinationals.
More infoIn Paraguay, children are dying after being exposed to pesticides on the soybean fields. Working with scientists, the Green Warriors team investigate.
More infoIn Johannesburg, the most uranium-contaminated city in the world, waste dumps from abandoned mines pump pollution into homes, water and the soil.
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