This series investigates the most notorious, infamous and terrifying crimes in French history. Cases that – in may cases – inspired films and novels. Join Danielle Thiéry, the first female chief superintendent, on a journey to the dark side of human nature.
At the end of the 19th century, in the North of France, living conditions of miners were becoming particularly difficult. At the time, groups of thugs were ravaging and attacking farms and wealthy homes, terrorizing the region. The Pollet brothers and their accomplices traveled around the Hazebrouck area, carrying out more and more robberies, assaults, and soon moved on to murders.
This series investigates the most notorious, infamous and terrifying crimes in French history. Cases that - in may cases - inspired films and novels. Join Danielle Thiéry, the first female chief superintendent, on a journey to the dark side of human nature.
More infoThis series investigates the most notorious, infamous and terrifying crimes in French history. Cases that - in may cases - inspired films and novels. Join Danielle Thiéry, the first female chief superintendent, on a journey to the dark side of human nature.
More infoThis series investigates the most notorious, infamous and terrifying crimes in French history. Cases that - in may cases - inspired films and novels. Join Danielle Thiéry, the first female chief superintendent, on a journey to the dark side of human nature.
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