
Almost Perfect Crimes

This series investigates the most notorious and infamous crimes in French history. These cases didn’t merely capture the public’s attention, but the events would go on to inspire some of the world’s most chilling films and novels.

Police Commissioner, Danielle Thiéry, goes on a journey to reveal the darker side of human nature.

These are the criminals of the almost perfect crimes.

Season 1:

Almost Perfect Crimes: The Millery Bloody Truck Affair

Almost Perfect Crimes: The Pranzini Affair

Almost Perfect Crimes: The Troppman Affair

Season 2:

Almost Perfect Crimes: The first Metro Murder

Almost Perfect Crimes: The Violette Noziere affair

Almost Perfect Crimes: The Professor Petiot Affair

Almost Perfect Crimes: The French Jack The Ripper

Almost Perfect Crimes: The Jeanne Weber Affair

Almost Perfect Crimes: The Murderous Poet

Season 3:

Almost Perfect Crimes: The Joseph Vacher Affair

Almost Perfect Crimes: The Rodez Rumour Mill

Almost Perfect Crimes: The Bloody Hostel

Almost Perfect Crimes: Abolition Postponed

Almost Perfect Crimes: The Red Widow Affair

Almost Perfect Crimes: The Papin Sisters

Season 4:

Almost Perfect Crimes: The Final Cut

Almost Perfect Crimes: The Bluebeard Case

Almost Perfect Crimes: The Jégado Case

Almost Perfect Crimes: The Bonnot Gang

Season 5:

Almost Perfect Crimes: The Prisoner of Poitiers

Almost Perfect Crimes: Golden Helmet and The Apaches

Almost Perfect Crimes: The Henriette Caillaux Affair

Almost Perfect Crimes: Guillaume Seznec – The Judiciary Enigma

Season 6:

Almost Perfect Crimes: Martin Dumollard – The Maid Killer

Almost Perfect Crimes: The Stavisky Affair

Almost Perfect Crimes: Georges-Alexandre Sarrejani

Almost Perfect Crimes: The Pollet Gang

Almost Perfect Crimes: The Butcher of La Chapelle

Almost Perfect Crimes: The Bommiers Killings


  • Year: 2012 - 2020
  • Duration:
  • Production: Pallas Television
  • Director: Patrick Schmitt and Pauline Verdu
  • Available Versions: ENG, FRA,
  • Country of production: France