
Cash Investigation

Produced by Premierse Lignes, this acclaimed series investigates the “wonderful world” of global corporations. Premiering on main public broadcaster France 2 in summer 2012, it secured a 15% audience share in a slot that usually attracts 10%.

Boldly mixing irreverent humor and unquestionnable fact-checking, the series has become the symbol of modern TV investigative journalism in France. Critically acclaimed by the French press and by a large number of loyal viewers, in five seasons and 25 episodes, the Underhand Tactics investigations won many prestigious awards.

Cash Investigation: Ghost Workers

Cash Investigation: Money Laundering

Cash Investigation: Seeds of Profit

Cash Investigation: Luxury: Behind the Mirror

Cash Investigation: A Plastic Surgery: Coca Cola’s Hidden Secrets

Cash Investigation: Diesel, The Industry’s Smokescreen

Cash Investigation: The Cost of Cotton

Cash Investigation: Wood Industry: A Business Against Nature

Cash Investigation: The Church: Code of Silence

Cash Investigation: The Paradise Papers: Inside an International Scandal

Cash Investigation: The Meat Lobby: Big Business Against Health?

Cash Investigation: The Real Price of your Mobile Phone

Cash Investigation: Football Business

Cash Investigation: Food Globalisation

Cash Investigation: The Untaxables

Cash Investigation: Toxic Labels

Cash Investigation: High-Frequency Trading

Cash Investigation: Green Marketing

Cash Investigation: Neuromarketing

Cash Investigation: Planned Obsolence

Cash Investigation: Disease Branding

Cash Investigation: Tax Haven


  • Year: 2012 - 2020
  • Duration: 24 x 52 mins
  • Production: PREMIÈRES LIGNES
  • Director:
  • Available Versions: ENG, FRA
  • Country of production: France