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24 Hour D Day

Featuring amazing colorisation of the original black-and-white film footage, this film depicts the fateful “longest day” that initiated the liberation of Western Europe from Nazi rule. June 6, 1944, 6.30...

Maduro: The Indestructible

This is the story of a man who never gives up. A man who has regained the place given to him after the Bolivarian Revolution had given him: at the...

10 Years On: The Yazidi Genocide

In August 2014, the world watched in horror as ISIS tore through the Sinjar region of Iraq, committing a brutal genocide against the Yazidi people. Ten years on, through the...

Farming in America: The Land of Junk Food

In the land of junk food, agriculture is controlled by two magic words: productivity and profitability. We investigate the excesses of American agribusiness. America's two million farmers are formidable businessmen. XXL...

Green Warriors: The Toxic Legacy of Warfare

Up until the 2000s, France submerged, buried or destroyed thousands of tonnes of ammunition across a number of territories and deep in lakes and seas. Long forgotten, these rubbish heaps...

Bridges, Roads, Infrastructure: America Collapses Into Ruin

Collapsing stretches of motorway, the New York Underground on the verge of flooding and a series of train derailments: this is the disturbing reality of the infrastructure of the world's...

Tokyo by Night : Secret Japan

Hyperactive and frenetic by day, Tokyo transforms by night, revealing a totally different side of Japanese society. We come across eccentric characters who speak of a Japan that is mysterious...

China’s Secret Police

It is a barely believable story that took place in Paris on the 22nd of March: a completely illegal attempt was made by the Chinese authorities to deport a Chinese...

The American-Mexican Abortion Network

While the right to an abortion is no longer guaranteed in the US, it has now been decriminalised just across the border in Mexico. As a result, there are now...

USA: Mythical Trains, Legendary Landscapes –  The Latest Rail Adventures

It is a stunning comeback! Left in the shadow of the plane and the car, the train is taking its revenge in the United States. Cheaper and more ecological: Americans...


In Development

